November 12, 2012

Going Into Egypt

Thirty years ago, 
I participated in an archaeological expedition
sponsored by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts 
in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania 
and Yale University.

I document my time with a folio 
of eleven 16" x 11" color photo prints.

This piece is now part of the collection 
of The Addison Gallery of American Art.

My photography and paintings,  are a reflection of  
my interest in gardens, and the significance of nature
upon forms created by individuals past and present.

I will update this series over time.

November 06, 2012

October 05, 2012

September 24, 2012

September 11, 2012

September 08, 2012

September 02, 2012

August 17, 2012

August 14, 2012

August 09, 2012